How Snopes Buried the Truth About Ilhan Omar's Father
fact checkers covered up his high-ranking role in a genocidal regime, helping democrats avoid a scandal that could have taken down the squad
fact checkers covered up his high-ranking role in a genocidal regime, helping democrats avoid a scandal that could have taken down the squad
pirate wires #135 // jeff bezos bans commie shit on the washington post opinion page, and the white house reexplores its press badge system. is this fascism? people are saying
Mike Solanapirate wires #134 // europe shocked as america “transforms” into a… liberal country? a few thoughts on the EU’s unprovoked trade war, and the future of the western lib alliance
Mike Solanadear mr. president: moon should be a state
Mike Solanapirate wires #133 // trump’s first strike on the bureaucracy reveals the face of real power, and unleashes its defenses; trump sends tech bros into the arena, and the stakes have never been higher
Mike Solanaan evaluation of the chinese threat to the panama canal and a way forward for america
G. B. Rangocalifornia’s government is, increasingly, in business for itself rather than for its citizens. what does this mean for the people who live there?
Dean W. Balla comprehensive timeline of the fast-moving series of events unfolding around america’s attempt to buy greenland
G. B. Rangopirate wires #131 // coverage of the LA fires, everything we learned on X, the final evolution of mark zuckerberg, and the end of a censorship era
Mike Solanadissecting the recent wired article that attempts to paint the uk gang rape atrocity as a moral panic manufactured by the "far right"
Ashley Rindsbergwith rare earth elements, new arctic trade routes, and strategic military advantages, the united states has a mandate to acquire greenland
G. B. Rangoon the fcc’s three-decade, $200 billion program the government accountability office has constantly accused of fraud and mismanagement, and lacking transparency and even goals
Corbin Bartholdclarissa ward's botched report on a “rescued prisoner” put her at the center of the story and shoved assad’s atrocities — and his victims — into the back seat
Ashley Rindsbergthe city is paying the pakistani government $220 million to operate its “new Ellis island” — where even residents are afraid to leave their rooms
Kevin Chaikenafter decades of corruption and chronic mismanagement, chicago might be ready to admit it has a problem — and its far-left crony mayor pushing the city to the brink might trigger a revival
Austin Bergif moderates had refrained from putting prop k on the ballot, they might have secured total victory. instead, they may have handed progressives an advantage for years to come
Kartik Sathappanwe spoke with the anon account who created a timeless banger that went viral as americans were heading to polls on election day
Riley Norkpirate wires #128 // season of lies concludes, and the mainstream press monopoly is dead; america votes in favor of the social contract; and it’s a clown world landslide (good news, bad news)
Mike Solananyt, atlantic, and msnbc are aiming their rage at americans after trump’s win, but other outlets seem ready to navigate an entirely revised political and cultural environment
Ashley Rindsbergthe “donald trump and fascism” wikipedia page appeared the same day the guardian published a 4,000-word article called “is donald trump a fascist?” — and it’s still up
Ashley Rindsbergwhat accounts for the cftc’s “sheer hatred” of political prediction markets that has led it to conduct a years-long campaign to ban them from the united states?
Jack Soloweydespite a well-established, unambiguous supreme court precedent, vp pick tim walz argues (yet again) that hate speech isn't constitutionally protected
Riley Norka san francisco voter guide for people who aren’t insane
The Pirate Wires Editorial Boardpirate wires #127 // a second attempt on trump’s life (his fault btw) overshadowed by the question of migrants eating cats, immigration, and the devilish power of a meme
Mike Solanapirate wires #126 // brazil bans x as the global war on speech continues, the overton window shifts to jailing founders, and facing the despotism now before us
Mike Solanapirate wires #125 // america goes cuckoo for coconut, VCs for kamala, war on the “substance demanders,” EU moves for global censorship, and how the world has changed since we’ve been vibing
Mike Solanapirate wires #123 // attempt on trump’s life, mainstream discourse in the crosshairs, the blueanon distraction from accountability, and thank god for conspiracy theories: the price we pay for truth
Mike Solanacalifornia relies disproportionately on a tiny handful of ultrawealthy households, which underwrite the state’s massive expenditures. what happens if it taxes them out?
Sanjana Friedmana closer look at newsom’s backdoor maneuver to kill the citizen-led initiative to repeal prop 47, the 2014 law that effectively legalized retail theft statewide
Sanjana Friedmanthe oakland defund movement seems to have devolved into a get-rich scheme for the well-connected — a case study of what happens when a moral panic produces a windfall for a fringe activist cause
Sanjana Friedmankindergarteners learn their sex is a ‘guess that grown-ups make’ and ninth graders memorize the definitions of ‘demisexual’ and ‘down low,’ often without parental notification
Sanjana Friedmanthe union has a list of abandoned properties perfect for squatting linked on its website and, through its friends in city government, has spent decades shaping the city's reckless housing policy
River Pageyolande beckles’s history of financial scandals in the u.k. and los angeles is easy to find, so why have education policymakers like jo boaler welcomed her in?
Sanjana Friedmancase in point: the diversity lotto gives visas to 55,000 foreign nationals each year, regardless of whether they can contribute or assimilate, to increase the number of immigrants from Africa
River Pageimmigration judges interpret the same asylum laws, but one denies 86% of cases, while another denies only 1.2%. this is happening across the country — what's going on?
River Pagethe state's math framework is strongly influenced by the academic work of jo boaler, now accused of significantly distorting citations in research underpinning the framework
Sanjana Friedmanfrom doordash-style paraphernalia delivery to legal teams suing the city each time it clears encampments: the grim story of how sf captures drug addicts so they can get high until they die
Sanjana Friedmanclassified tiktok meeting triggers surprise divestment bill, assessing the criticism, trump’s wild pivot, the real motivation for tiktok’s loudest defenders, & questions pertaining to “america first”
Mike Solanataking stock of the march election results and the city's continued centerward shift
Sanjana Friedmannewsom is asking taxpayers for billions more to address homelessness after forcing them to foot the bill for his inhumane, pandemic-era program to house homeless people in hotels
Sanjana Friedmancalifornia taxpayer money is being laundered through 'funding for the arts' into radical leftist groups, some of which don't appear to do much art at all
River Pagea san francisco voter guide for people who aren’t insane
The Pirate Wires Editorial Boardhow private citizens in a major US city sued their local government over a thousand-person tent city — and forced officials to clear it
Sanjana FriedmanFinally, in the south suburbs of Chicago, one politician has the courage to be as corrupt in public as the rest of them are in private.
River Pagefor years, mayor breed has presided over massive budget increases to a now-$100 million a year DEI clientelism scheme
Sanjana Friedmandolores park #12 // progressives steal campaign posters (again), preston wants an inquiry into dream keeper, newsom sends the troopers into oakland, everyone at uc santa cruz is nonbinary, etc
Sanjana Friedmanactivists groups are suing police departments across the country to effectively legalize blocking major transit routes and other destructive forms of protest
Sanjana Friedmandolores park #11 // a chesa boudin acolyte rises from the ashes, homeless caves are found in modesto, jackie fielder cancels garry tan, car theft joyrides abound
Sanjana Friedmana look into AROC, the organization that billionaires and the city of san francisco are paying to stage protests blocking the bay bridge
River Pagedolores park #10 // newsom wants $650,000 beds for the homeless; jenkins threatens fentanyl dealers with murder charges; assembly members push racial discrimination; in-n-out sparks activist fury
Sanjana Friedmandolores park #9 // peskin backstabs dorsey, the supreme court decides to weigh in on clearing encampments, newsom contends with the deficit, public defenders push lenience for fentanyl dealers
Sanjana Friedmandolores park #7 // the city budget collapses, dream keeper throws a kwanzaa bash, newsom slams delays on conservatorship for addicts, the bay bridge protesters go to court, drain pipes flood (again)
Sanjana Friedmanmainstream reporting on sf and california homelessness is based on two reports afflicted by methodological flaws and ideological bias so extreme, they're impossible to take seriously
Sanjana Friedmandolores park #6 // breed defends no-bid homeless contracts, california’s budget deficit soars, dei intensifies at stanford, more atms get snatched
Sanjana Friedmanthe biden administration has incorporated dei into every facet of the federal bureaucracy. now, they want to pressure corporate america into doing the same
River Pagedolores park #5 // preston casts a ceasefire spell, breed quietly cuts spending, the valencia st bike lane causes chaos, and santacon returns.
Sanjana Friedmanin 2020, san francisco announced it would defund its police department of $120 million to fund a racial equity program called the dream keeper initiative — here's how the money was spent
Sanjana Friedmandolores park #2 // sf dressed to impress (a communist dictator), aaron peskin shakes his fist at democracy, activists scream (again), london breed goes to a gay club
Sanjana Friedmantaxpayer-funded west coast activists are chaining themselves to a military vessel supposedly bound for israel
Sanjana Friedmanthe high speed brightline train now connects miami and orlando, but california still has not laid a single mile of rail. what's the difference between these two projects?
River Pagethe card carrying dsa sf politician also happens to be a millionaire who refuses to allow more housing in the city
Sanjana Friedmana new government grant program that aims to build "tech hubs" in the middle of nowhere is littered with political patronage, dei tomfoolery, and self-erected barriers to success
River Pagefrom activists and journalists to government officials, a sprawling web of disinformation has distorted the narrative around self-driving taxis — and now it’s being exposed
Sanjana Friedmanbiden's potential "remain in texas" policy for migrants puts the crisis out of sight, out of mind for his progressive voter bloc — just as they like it
River Pagepirate wires #104 // looking back on proposition c, tech's san francisco turning point, "doom loop" analysis, a well-paved path to eternal homelessness, and how to solve the crisis
Mike Solanathe committee approved ab 316, sending it back to the senate floor, and if the senate passes it, all that's left is for governor newsom to sign the bill into law
Sanjana Friedmancalifornia and european union bureaucrats are working together to take advantage of federal inaction and strongarm tech into onerous restrictions
Luke Hoggchinese postage fraudsters are stealing the identities of american businesses, ripping off consumers, and costing the postal service millions
River Pagethe majority of the city's homelessness budget goes to keeping people in no-contingency housing units, permanently. what happens when the city can't pay the bill?
Sanjana Friedmanwhat does miami's unique brand of conservatism mean for the future of the american GOP?
Alex PerezSF's self-driving taxi opponents say they’re concerned about AV safety, but the numbers tell a different story
Sanjana Friedmanriver's first-hand account of trump's arraignment in miami
River Pagecherelle parker, a defender of stop-and-frisk policing, swept the majority-black neighborhoods most impacted by gun violence, beating a bernie-backed progressive and high-spending moderates
Nick Russois it antisemitic to say that your political opponents hate humanity? if that political opponent is george soros, some say it is
River Pagea look inside the freshman congressman’s meteoric rise to internet stardom – and behind his claims to transparency in campaign and personal finance
Nick Russo"then I say, sir, that you don’t know what you’re talking about"
Mike Solanain 2020, california voters rejected affirmative action, but data suggests that ucsd is finding a way around that
Brandon Gorrellfrance's plan to use ai to help surveil the 2024 paris olympics has some groups saying it would turn the country into a “dystopian surveillance state”
Sanjana Friedmantiktok's data security plan contains ambiguous exceptions for third-party access and bytedance job postings describe extensive collaboration with tiktok — oracle should clarify its data guarding plans
Nick Russoamid rising concern that social media is harming minors, veteran trial lawyer matthew bergman is leading a new fight to hold companies liable. here’s how he plans to circumvent section 230.
Nick Russo18 residents of king cove, alaska have died because they don’t have a road to the nearest all weather airport. the first native american interior secretary just made sure that won’t change.
River Pagesix weeks later, operation chokepoint 2.0 has brought crypto to its knees… along with america’s entire financial system
Nic Carterpirate wires #93 // amidst growing bi-partisan support of a ban, summary and analysis of tiktok’s first congressional hearing
Mike Solanaeven if she doesn’t win, she’s likely to make the president sweat — and actually campaign. here’s why.
River Pagein addition to his deep understanding of drag race lore, santos has a lot of opinions on hollywood, the future of entertainment, and who deserves best actress at the oscars on sunday
Matthew Foldiwhat does it mean that the state of california will no longer "do business" with walgreens?
Brandon Gorrella 70-foot pagoda overlooking d.c., two high school military academies, and over 300 acres of north dakota farmland — why is china trying to buy up these and other american assets?
Matthew Foldihe may not be a good congressman, but he’s a great drag queen
River Pagedetailing the Biden Admin's coordinated, ongoing effort across virtually every US financial regulator to deny crypto firms access to banking services
Nic CarterPhilly’s out-of-control trash and junkyard problems encapsulate the city's biggest issue: it's governed by miserable people who hate their jobs
Nick Russothis week, twilio laid off 11% of its staff. the race of employees was a determining factor.
Max Meyerpirate wires #77 // a brief history of tech industry stasi shit, the downfall of andrew tate as a blueprint for 2024, and the final boss of internet censorship
Mike Solanaa new era of industry, china's dominance in critical materials, and what america must do about it
Ryan McEntushpirate wires #71 // pirates seize the polls
Mike Solanapirate wires #64 // kyiv under siege, the corporate front, and how to take a breath and think when nukes are on the table
Mike Solanasocialism: defining terms, pulling back the curtain on our war of words, and following this uniquely dangerous political ideology to its logical conclusion
Mike Solanapirate wires #49 // "infrastructure" isn't infrastructure, banning crypto (still not infrastructure), the price of ambition, and a road trip through america's essential spending
Mike SolanaSocialism is a lethal ideology comprised of three forms. To preserve freedom and achieve our human potential, we must conquer them all.
Mike Solana