Moon Should Be a StateDec 3
pirate wires #129 // the case for an america that grows, breaking down the moon thesis
Mike SolanaSubscribe to Mike Solana
Well, folks, I just got off the subway and holy shit this is cool — America’s Moon movement has made its way to Times Square. “Moon movement?” you are possibly, if you just got here, asking? Long story short, yeah: Moon should be a state. The 51st state to be exact, but I guess we’d accept something after Greenland and Cuba. And while sure, yes, obviously we’re having fun over here, I’m really not kidding. That’s America’s moon. Over the last year, I published a treatise on Moon statehood for Pirate Wires (read it here), our team published a comprehensive deep dive on the geopolitical advantages of dominating the moon (read that here), and if you haven’t grabbed our moon merch yet? Now is the time (there really aren’t that many shirts left).
For those among you curious to learn a little more, but running light on time, a few highlights in the case for Moon:
But equally important, a national push to claim and settle Moon would reignite American ambition, shattering our cultural stagnation and opening up a new frontier that is sure to inspire technological innovation, exploration, and national pride. Moon should be a state.
Anyway, it was really cool to see this giant thing in Times Square. A gift from the Pirate Nation, for which I am extremely grateful (and thanks to AdQuick for partnering with us on this). Also, as ever, grateful for your support as we build this company.
In honor of this wild ass day, a little promo for you fine folks: use code MOONSHOULDBEASTATE for 15% off a paid Pirate Wires subscription. More importantly, spread the moon movement, and tell our president on your favorite social network that America must acquire Moon.
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